The spring 2011 CEV Symposium, “The Future of Volunteering: Concepts, Trends, Visions”, will take place in Tallinn (Estonia), on 4th-6th May.

The updated programme as well as the registration form can be found on the web page of the event.

The Symposium will gather 200 experts from the volunteering sector, decision-makers and other stakeholders, to address the latest trends in volunteering and the forecast for the coming years.

Quo vadis volunteering? Where are we and where should the journey go? What is the state of play and what is our vision for the future? Many new features and new developments characterise the voluntary sector today.

The CEV Symposium will strive to provide an overview of the current trends in our sector; to facilitate a space for debate on controversies that have developed over time; to identify the core concepts and inviolable values of volunteering we adhere to and that we want to safeguard; and to develop a vision for the decades to come of how volunteering will continue to serve as a central cornerstone in all European countries.